Here are some photo from the trip. I actually didn't take any with my own digital camera cause I was hauling my film camera with me everywhere and didn't feel like carrying both so these photos are all thanks to Caitlin O'Brien and Meghann Altomare!!
Me, Brijit, and Emerson on the ferry to Inishmore
Meghann, Hannah and me sitting on a wall.
(not an attractive angle for me)
Hannah and I are dying from riding bikes
standing on top of the lighthouse. the next photo shows how high it is
i'm all the way up there!!
Me, Hannah and Caitlin on the lighthouse
Hannah, Caitlin and I on the roof of the lighthouse
walking on some rocks. there were snails and anemones everywhere!!
(notice we're all watching where we step)
Meghann's attempt and taking photos and riding the bike simultaneously.
Touching hermit crabs and dead crab crabs.
Ferry ride home. Shleepy shleepy.
This is just a random photo of what we do at school.
This photo is actually from a few weeks ago on the Irish studies trip
when we went to Yeats' Tower, but I stole it from Caitlin and it's cute
so I though I'd put it up.
(Left to Right, Top to Bottom) Mandy, Caitlin, Casey, Hannah, Me
And that's all for now. Right now, (school-wise) we're all focusing on our final exhibitions, finishing up projects, and figuring out what stuff we're going to be showing and where we'll be showing it. I'll make sure to take photos of my studio when all my stuff is up!! =]
In your entire life, you have NEVER gone to a real school. Just sayin'.